Here are steps to place an order with us below:
Step 1: Choose the Size, Color and Quantity of your favorite products, and then click"Add to Cart" if you want more than one products to buy, and you can directly click "Buy Now" if you only want to buy one.
Step 2: When you click "Add to Cart" and click "View My Cart”, you can check all products you choose in the Cart. When you click "Buy Now", you will be directed to filll your address information, choose shipping methods and pay your order lastly.
Step 3: If you click " Add to Card" to be directed to your shopping card, after you confirm the product size,color and quantity, You can directly Click “PayPal” to pay the order. You can also click" Process to Checkout" to be directed to fill your address information, choose shipping and payment methods, and pay your order lastly .

Step 4: If you pay your order with paypal, you will be directed to log in your paypal account. Once you log in, you can chek how much for your order you will pay(note: the order payment amount here don't include shipping cost, and the shipping cost will be counted in the last steps).

Step 5: After you click"Pay Now" with paypal, you will be returned to our site to fill your address information and choose shipping methods(here you can check how much shipping fee you will pay for different shipping methods), and pay your order lastly.
Step5(1): Fill your address information

Step5(2): Choose shipping methods

Step 5(3): Choose payment methods(Only paypal avaliable now!)

Step 5(4): Place an order